Good Jobs Scorecard

Good Jobs Scorecard is designed to help you determine where your company is on delivering value to customers, employees, and investors. You can use this scorecard to make the financialcompetitive, and moral reasons for change. You can also use it to set goals and targets for your organization and track progress. Once you determine your performance gaps, the Good Jobs Diagnostic will help you identify what you need to change.

Good Jobs Scorecard is a free tool. If you use this tool, we ask that you please email one idea on how to improve it or share with us how you used this tool.


Examine nine factors related to how well you are meeting your employees’ needs. Are you giving them a compelling reason to stay with the company, show up on time, and use their discretionary effort to work hard and create value for your customers? Do you as a leader feel good about how well your company meets your employees’ basic needs?



Examine seven factors related to meeting both basic and higher needs of your customers. Are you providing a compelling reason to keep buying? Do you create the conditions for customer loyalty?                                                                                                                                



Examine five areas of operational performance. Is it in the top quartile in your industry? Where could your company be if you achieved operational excellence through the Good Jobs Strategy?




Next Steps: Make the Case for Change, Align & Track

Quantify the Upside

Use operational performance analysis to make the financial  case for change. Use employee and customer analysis to make the competitive case for change. Use employee analysis—especially how well you are meeting their basic needs—to make the moral case for change.

Make the Case for Change

Align on What to Change: Tracker Tool

Use the Scorecard to build a tracker to use in your Good Jobs Transformation from gaps identified in the scorecard on employees, customers, and operational performance. Once you establish a baseline, you can use the Good Jobs Diagnostic tool to identify what you need to change to close the gaps.

Download Tracker Tool